LETTERS – Listen to the people you represent

The Committee on Climate Change estimates that, to meet our legally-binding climate change targets, we need to plant 1.5 billion trees by 2050.

In the year to March 2019, our Government fell short of its target to plant 5,000 hectares of trees by 71 per cent (Guardian, 13 June).

Michael Gove, then Environment Secretary, pledged funding for a further ten million rural trees and 130,000 urban trees by 2022.

The value of trees to our environment is undeniable. As well as absorbing carbon dioxide, trees of course provide shade, and the water that evaporates from them cools the environment. This is of vital importance given the likelihood of increasingly severe heat waves in coming years.

The presence of trees also adds to our feeling of wellbeing and has a measurable effect in improving mental health.

In the light of this, perhaps our local Conservative councillors can explain why they intend to take many hectares of valuable and much cherished green open space on the northern and western edge of Spalding, and cover them in concrete, tarmac and brick?

Do they imagine that South Holland will somehow magically be spared from the effects of runaway climate change?

There seems to be a yawning gulf between the statements of Conservative politicians when they want to highlight their supposed commitment to green causes, and their willingness to take the necessary decisions on the ground.

Perhaps they could start by listening for once to the people they claim to represent.

Martin Blake
South Lincolnshire Green Party

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