LETTER: Junction needs to be a roundabout

The recent coroner’s inquest must have been another sad day for the family of the motorcyclist who lost his life last year on the notorious A16 road junction at Crowland.

Our condolences go to that family and all of the others who have lost loved ones in a similar circumstance.

Sadly, local opinion was also vindicated by the coroner coming to the same conclusion that the junction is not fit for purpose and should become a roundabout. Having arrived at that conclusion he has taken the initiative to write to the Secretary of State for Transport requesting action. The County Council appraisal of the junction also arrived at the conclusion that the best solution is a roundabout when finance can be found.

There have been various attempts to suggest alterations to the junction but by doing so it seems to confirm that it is confusing which in turn makes it dangerous. Sooner than tinkering and creating yet more unforeseen consequences it needs all parties, national and local, to get it into a program of work to at least convert that particular junction into a roundabout.

The confusing dangerous junctions, the sheer weight of traffic during parts of the day, and the growing population convince me that I will continue to lobby whenever I can for roundabouts and part at least dual carriageway all of which would help save lives.

Bryan Alcock
District & Parish Councillor

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