LETTER: Dear medical centre, please don’t close for staff training

We have today sent this blank fax to Beechfield Medical Centre regarding their intent to close every last Tuesday afternoon and evening in the month for supposed staff training.
With our Prime Minister highlighting the need for a seven day a week service this practice seems to think it can further reduce its openness to patients.

Dear Beechfield Medical Centre,

One is extremely saddened and disappointed by your intent to close the surgery for a complete afternoon and evening once per and every month. Whilst one understands the need for training, surely there must be better ways of accomplishing this need without a direct impact on our local NHS provision.
With the continuing scandal and abuse of A&E provisions you will of course note that only this week our Prime Minister has implored doctors to meet a seven day a week service, yet here at Beechfield it appears you wish to further reduce our access to doctors by this frankly cavalier and un-thought through policy of closure.
We would urge you all to reconsider what impact you are contributing to in the local community.
Shame on you all, please rethink your approach to providing a quality and accessible service.
Concerned patients (we are sure you understand why we have not placed our names to this letter as we need the medical centre, however restricted it wishes to make its services).

Name and address supplied

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